Unlock the Possibility: Can I Have 2 Blink Accounts on One Phone?

Can I Have 2 Blink Accounts on One Phone?

The question of whether one can have two Blink accounts on one phone is a common one. Blink is a popular mobile app that allows users to access their home security systems remotely. It is a convenient way to keep an eye on your home while away, but it does have its limitations. The app does not support multiple users or various user levels, so the answer to the question of whether one can have two Blink accounts on one phone is no.

The Brief Reason

The brief reason for why one cannot have two Blink accounts on one phone is that the Blink mobile app does not support multiple users nor various user levels. All you get is one user name, one password, and one phone number tied to that one account. You can share your account login credentials with others, but you cannot have two separate accounts on the same phone.

More Comprehensive Understanding

The more comprehensive understanding of why one cannot have two Blink accounts on one phone is that the app is designed to be used by one user. It is not designed to support multiple users or various user levels. This means that all users must use the same login credentials, and the same phone number must be used for all accounts.

The app also does not allow users to switch between accounts. This means that if you have two accounts, you will need to log out of one and log into the other each time you want to switch between them. This can be inconvenient and time-consuming.

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Can I Have Multiple Blink Cameras?

Yes, you can have multiple Blink cameras connected to one account. You can add up to 10 Blink cameras to one account, and each camera can be used to monitor a different area. This allows you to keep an eye on multiple areas of your home at once.

Can I Have Multiple Blink Accounts?

Yes, you can have multiple Blink accounts. However, each account must be associated with a different phone number. This means that if you want to have two Blink accounts, you will need two phones.

Can I Share My Blink Account?

Yes, you can share your Blink account with others. However, all users must use the same login credentials and the same phone number. This means that if you want to share your account with someone else, they will need to use your phone number.

Bottom line is the Blink mobile app does not support multiple users nor various user levels. All you get is one user name, one password, and one phone number tied to that one account. You can share your account login credentials with others, but you cannot have two separate accounts on the same phone.


If you want to have two Blink accounts, you will need two phones. You can share your account login credentials with others, but you cannot have two separate accounts on the same phone.

If you want to share your Blink account with someone else, they will need to use your phone number. You can add up to 10 Blink cameras to one account, and each camera can be used to monitor a different area. This allows you to keep an eye on multiple areas of your home at once.


In conclusion, while Blink is a great way to keep an eye on your home while away, it does have its limitations. The app does not support multiple users or various user levels, so the answer to the question of whether one can have two Blink accounts on one phone is no. If you want to have two Blink accounts, you will need two phones. You can share your account login credentials with others, but you cannot have two separate accounts on the same phone.

The best way to ensure that you have access to your home security system while away is to have multiple Blink cameras connected to one account. This allows you to keep an eye on multiple areas of your home at once. Additionally, if you want to share your Blink account with someone else, they will need to use your phone number.

Overall, Blink is a great way to keep an eye on your home while away, but it does have its limitations. You cannot have two Blink accounts on one phone, but you can have multiple Blink cameras connected to one account and share your account login credentials with others.


1. Blink Support. (2020). How Many Cameras Can I Add To My Blink Account?. Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017209872-How-Many-Cameras-Can-I-Add-To-My-Blink-Account-

2. Blink Support. (2020). Can I Share My Blink Account With Someone Else?. Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017209832-Can-I-Share-My-Blink-Account-With-Someone-Else-

3. Blink Support. (2020). Can I Have Multiple Blink Accounts?. Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017209812-Can-I-Have-Multiple-Blink-Accounts-

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