Uncovering the Mystery: Who owns TouchTunes Music?

Who Owns TouchTunes Music?

The question of who owns TouchTunes music is one that has been asked by many music fans and industry professionals alike. TouchTunes is a popular music streaming service that has been around since 1998. It is a subsidiary of the French company Vivendi, and is one of the largest digital music services in the world. But who actually owns the music that is streamed on the service?

PlayNetwork, Inc.

PlayNetwork, Inc. is a provider of in-store music and entertainment for retail, restaurant, and hospitality environments. PlayNetwork merged with TouchTunes in May 2017, but in September 2021, TouchTunes sold PlayNetwork to Mood Media. This means that Mood Media now owns the rights to the music that is streamed on TouchTunes.

Mood Media

Mood Media is a global media and entertainment company that provides in-store music, digital signage, and other audio-visual experiences for retail, hospitality, and other commercial environments. They own the rights to the music that is streamed on TouchTunes, and they are responsible for licensing the music to TouchTunes. This means that Mood Media is the ultimate owner of the music that is streamed on TouchTunes.


When it comes to licensing the music that is streamed on TouchTunes, Mood Media is responsible for negotiating with the record labels and other music rights holders. They are responsible for ensuring that the music is properly licensed and that the rights holders are paid for the use of their music. This is an important part of the process, as it ensures that the music is legally available for streaming on TouchTunes.

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What is TouchTunes?
TouchTunes is a digital music streaming service that allows users to listen to music from a variety of genres. It is available on mobile devices and on the web. It is owned by Vivendi and is one of the largest digital music services in the world.
What is Mood Media?
Mood Media is a global media and entertainment company that provides in-store music, digital signage, and other audio-visual experiences for retail, hospitality, and other commercial environments. They own the rights to the music that is streamed on TouchTunes, and they are responsible for licensing the music to TouchTunes.
What is PlayNetwork?
PlayNetwork is a provider of in-store music and entertainment for retail, restaurant, and hospitality environments. PlayNetwork merged with TouchTunes in May 2017, but in September 2021, TouchTunes sold PlayNetwork to Mood Media. This means that Mood Media now owns the rights to the music that is streamed on TouchTunes.


In conclusion, the answer to the question of who owns TouchTunes music is Mood Media. They own the rights to the music that is streamed on TouchTunes, and they are responsible for licensing the music to TouchTunes. They are also responsible for negotiating with the record labels and other music rights holders to ensure that the music is legally available for streaming on TouchTunes.

“Music is the universal language of mankind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When it comes to streaming music, it is important to know who owns the rights to the music. Knowing who owns the rights to the music ensures that the music is legally available for streaming and that the rights holders are properly compensated. In the case of TouchTunes, Mood Media is the ultimate owner of the music that is streamed on the service.
1. TouchTunes About Page
2. Mood Media About Page
3. PlayNetwork About Page

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