Uncovering the Mystery Behind the Name ‘Jukebox’: Why is it Called Jukebox?

Why is it Called Jukebox?

The term “jukebox” is used to refer to a device that plays music when coins are inserted. It is a popular form of entertainment, especially in bars and restaurants. But why is it called jukebox? This article will explore the history of the term and provide a comprehensive understanding of why it is called jukebox.

The Brief Reason

The word “jukebox” came into use in the United States beginning in 1940, apparently derived from the familiar usage “juke joint”, derived from the Gullah word juke, which means “bawdy”. The term “juke joint” was used to describe a place where people gathered to dance, drink, and listen to music. The term “jukebox” was then used to describe a machine that played music in such places.

A More Comprehensive Understanding

The term “jukebox” is derived from the Gullah word “juke”, which means “bawdy”. The term “juke joint” was used to describe a place where people gathered to dance, drink, and listen to music. The term “jukebox” was then used to describe a machine that played music in such places.
The term “jukebox” was first used in the United States in 1940. The first jukeboxes were coin-operated machines that played 78 rpm records. These machines were popular in bars and restaurants, as they allowed patrons to choose the music they wanted to listen to.
The term “jukebox” has evolved over time to refer to any device that plays music when coins are inserted. This includes modern digital jukeboxes, which allow users to select songs from a digital library.

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History of Jukeboxes
The first jukeboxes were introduced in the United States in the late 19th century. These machines were coin-operated and played 78 rpm records. Over time, jukeboxes have evolved to include digital libraries and other features.
Types of Jukeboxes
There are several types of jukeboxes available today. These include digital jukeboxes, which allow users to select songs from a digital library; CD jukeboxes, which play CDs; and vinyl jukeboxes, which play vinyl records.
Jukebox Collecting
Jukebox collecting is a popular hobby among music enthusiasts. Collectors often search for vintage jukeboxes, which can be found in antique stores, flea markets, and online auctions.

“Jukebox collecting is a great way to experience the history of music and the evolution of technology.” – Jukebox Collectors Association


The term “jukebox” is derived from the Gullah word “juke”, which means “bawdy”. The term “juke joint” was used to describe a place where people gathered to dance, drink, and listen to music. The term “jukebox” was then used to describe a machine that played music in such places.
Today, the term “jukebox” is used to refer to any device that plays music when coins are inserted. This includes modern digital jukeboxes, which allow users to select songs from a digital library. Jukebox collecting is also a popular hobby among music enthusiasts.


The term “jukebox” is derived from the Gullah word “juke”, which means “bawdy”. The term “juke joint” was used to describe a place where people gathered to dance, drink, and listen to music. The term “jukebox” was then used to describe a machine that played music in such places.
Today, the term “jukebox” is used to refer to any device that plays music when coins are inserted. This includes modern digital jukeboxes, which allow users to select songs from a digital library. Jukebox collecting is also a popular hobby among music enthusiasts.
The history of the term “jukebox” is an interesting one, and it is clear that the term has evolved over time to refer to a variety of devices that play music when coins are inserted. Whether you are a collector or just a music enthusiast, understanding the history of the term “jukebox” can help you appreciate the evolution of music and technology.
1. Jukebox Collectors Association. (n.d.). Jukebox Collecting. Retrieved from https://www.jukeboxcollectors.com/jukebox-collecting
2. The History of Jukeboxes. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.jukebox-world.de/en/history-of-jukeboxes.html
3. What is a Jukebox? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/what-is-a-jukebox.html

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