How Long Can Songs Last on Shazam? Discover the Answer Now!

How Long Do Songs Stay on Shazam?

Shazam is an app that helps users identify songs they hear on the radio, in stores, or anywhere else. It’s a great tool for discovering new music, but it also raises the question: how long do songs stay on Shazam?

The Brief Answer

Once your music is on Shazam, it’s there to stay. There is currently no way to remove music from Shazam, so once it’s on there, it will remain there indefinitely. This means that even if you cancel your distribution, your music will still be available on Shazam.

The Comprehensive Answer

Once on Shazam, your music will stay there. This is because Shazam is a search engine, not a digital service provider (DSP) like Apple Music. So they have no way of knowing you might have cancelled your distribution the same way a DSP like Apple Music would. There is currently no way to remove music from Shazam. Once your music is on Shazam, it’s there to stay.


If you are an artist or label who wants to remove a song from Shazam, there are a few solutions you can try.

1. Request Removal from Shazam

The first option is to contact Shazam and request that they remove your song from their platform. You can do this by filling out the form on their website. However, this is not a guaranteed solution, as Shazam may not be able to remove your song.

2. Stop Distributing Your Music

The second option is to stop distributing your music. This means that you will no longer be able to make your music available on streaming services, digital stores, or anywhere else. This will prevent Shazam from being able to identify your song, as it will no longer be available for them to search.

3. Change Your Music’s Metadata

The third option is to change your music’s metadata. This means that you can change the title, artist name, or other information associated with your song. This will make it harder for Shazam to identify your song, as the metadata will not match what is in their database.

Related Topics

1. Can I Remove My Music from Shazam?
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to remove music from Shazam. Once your music is on Shazam, it’s there to stay.
2. How Does Shazam Identify Music?
Shazam uses a combination of audio fingerprinting and machine learning algorithms to identify songs. It takes a sample of the audio and compares it to its database of over 11 million songs. If there is a match, it will identify the song.
3. How Does Shazam Make Money?
Shazam makes money by selling ads and offering subscription services. They also have partnerships with streaming services like Apple Music and Spotify, which allow them to make money when users sign up for those services.


In conclusion, once your music is on Shazam, it’s there to stay. There is currently no way to remove music from Shazam, so it’s important to be aware of this before you distribute your music. If you want to remove your music from Shazam, you can try requesting removal from Shazam, stopping distribution of your music, or changing your music’s metadata.
Overall, understanding how long songs stay on Shazam is important for any artist or label who wants to make sure their music is available on the platform. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your music is available on Shazam for as long as you want it to be.
1. How Do I Remove My Music from Shazam?
2. How Does Shazam Identify Music?
3. How Does Shazam Make Money?

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