Uncovering the Truth: Do Blink Cameras Really Need WiFi?

Do Blink Cameras Require Wi-Fi?

Do Blink cameras require Wi-Fi? It’s a question that many people have when they are considering purchasing a Blink camera. The answer is yes, Blink cameras do require Wi-Fi in order to function properly. In this blog post, we will discuss why Blink cameras require Wi-Fi, as well as additional requirements and solutions for those who are looking to use Blink cameras.

The Brief Reason

The brief reason why Blink cameras require Wi-Fi is that they need to be connected to the internet in order to be able to stream video and audio. Without a Wi-Fi connection, the cameras will not be able to send or receive data, which means they won’t be able to stream video or audio.

Additional Requirements

In addition to requiring a Wi-Fi connection, Blink cameras also require a non-cellular 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network (name and password) and high-speed internet connection (DSL, Cable, Fiber) with a minimum 2 Mbit/sec upload speed. Unfortunately, due to high latency issues, we do not recommend using Blink with Satellite providers.

“High latency issues can cause problems with streaming video and audio, which is why we don’t recommend using Blink with Satellite providers.”


If you are looking to use Blink cameras, there are a few solutions that you can consider. The first solution is to use a Wi-Fi router that supports 2.4 GHz networks. This will ensure that your Blink cameras will be able to connect to the internet and stream video and audio.

The second solution is to use a Wi-Fi extender. This will help to extend the range of your Wi-Fi network, which will help to ensure that your Blink cameras will be able to connect to the internet and stream video and audio.

The third solution is to use a mesh Wi-Fi system. This will help to ensure that your Blink cameras will be able to connect to the internet and stream video and audio, even if you have a large home or office.

Related Topics

Do Blink Cameras Need Power?

Yes, Blink cameras do need power in order to function properly. Blink cameras are powered by either AA batteries or a USB power adapter. The batteries will need to be replaced periodically, while the USB power adapter will need to be plugged into a power outlet.

Do Blink Cameras Have Night Vision?

Yes, Blink cameras do have night vision. Blink cameras are equipped with infrared LEDs that allow them to see in the dark. This means that you will be able to see what is happening in your home or office even when it is dark outside.

Do Blink Cameras Record Audio?

Yes, Blink cameras do record audio. Blink cameras are equipped with a microphone that allows them to record audio as well as video. This means that you will be able to hear what is happening in your home or office, as well as see it.


In conclusion, Blink cameras do require Wi-Fi in order to function properly. They also require a non-cellular 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network (name and password) and high-speed internet connection (DSL, Cable, Fiber) with a minimum 2 Mbit/sec upload speed. There are a few solutions that you can consider if you are looking to use Blink cameras, such as using a Wi-Fi router, a Wi-Fi extender, or a mesh Wi-Fi system. Additionally, Blink cameras need power, have night vision, and record audio.

If you are looking to purchase a Blink camera, it is important to make sure that you have a Wi-Fi connection that meets the requirements. Additionally, you should make sure that you have a power source for the camera and that you understand the features that it offers. With the right setup, you can enjoy the benefits of a Blink camera in your home or office.


1. Blink Support. (2020). What are the system requirements for Blink? Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039122951-What-are-the-system-requirements-for-Blink-

2. Blink Support. (2020). What are the power requirements for Blink? Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039122971-What-are-the-power-requirements-for-Blink-

3. Blink Support. (2020). Does Blink have night vision? Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039122991-Does-Blink-have-night-vision-

4. Blink Support. (2020). Does Blink record audio? Retrieved from https://support.blinkforhome.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039123001-Does-Blink-record-audio-

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