Uncovering the Mystery: Why aren’t all Songs on TouchTunes?

Why Aren’t All Songs On TouchTunes?

TouchTunes is a digital jukebox service that allows users to access and play music from a variety of sources. It is a popular choice for bars, restaurants, and other establishments that want to provide their customers with a wide range of music. However, not all songs are available on TouchTunes. This may be due to licensing restrictions, filtering of songs by your location, or technical reasons. In addition, these reasons could cause only certain songs by an artist or an album to be available.

Licensing Restrictions

The most common reason why some songs may not be available on TouchTunes is due to licensing restrictions. Music streaming services such as TouchTunes must obtain the necessary licenses from the copyright holders of the music they wish to stream. This is a complex process that can take time and money, and some copyright holders may not be willing to grant the necessary licenses. As a result, some songs may not be available on TouchTunes due to licensing restrictions.

Filtering of Songs by Location

Another reason why some songs may not be available on TouchTunes is due to filtering of songs by location. Different countries and regions have different laws and regulations regarding the streaming of music, and some songs may not be available in certain locations due to these regulations. For example, some songs may be blocked in certain countries due to copyright laws, or may be blocked in certain regions due to censorship laws. As a result, some songs may not be available on TouchTunes due to filtering of songs by location.

Technical Reasons

Finally, some songs may not be available on TouchTunes due to technical reasons. TouchTunes is a digital streaming service, and as such, it must be able to process and stream the music it wishes to offer. If a song is not compatible with the streaming service, or if it is too large to be streamed, then it may not be available on TouchTunes.


Fortunately, there are a few solutions that can help you access the songs that are not available on TouchTunes.
Check the Licensing Status
The first solution is to check the licensing status of the song. If the song is not available on TouchTunes due to licensing restrictions, then you may be able to obtain the necessary licenses from the copyright holders. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it may be worth it if you are able to access the song.
Check Your Location
The second solution is to check your location. If the song is not available on TouchTunes due to filtering of songs by location, then you may be able to access the song by changing your location. This can be done by using a virtual private network (VPN) or by using a proxy server.
Use an Alternative Service
The third solution is to use an alternative streaming service. If the song is not available on TouchTunes due to technical reasons, then you may be able to access the song on another streaming service. There are a variety of streaming services available, and some may be able to stream the song that is not available on TouchTunes.


In conclusion, not all songs are available on TouchTunes. This may be due to licensing restrictions, filtering of songs by your location, or technical reasons. Fortunately, there are a few solutions that can help you access the songs that are not available on TouchTunes. These solutions include checking the licensing status of the song, checking your location, and using an alternative streaming service.
The availability of songs on TouchTunes is an important issue for many users, as it can affect the quality of their experience. By understanding the reasons why some songs may not be available on TouchTunes, users can take steps to ensure that they can access the music they want.
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