How Much Did Shazam Lose in the Blink of an Eye?

How Much Did Shazam Lose?

The movie Shazam 2 was released in April 2023 and was expected to be a huge success. However, the movie ended up losing a lot of money, with estimates of the losses ranging from $150 million to $200 million. This begs the question: How much did Shazam lose?

What Caused Shazam 2’s Losses?

There are a few factors that could have contributed to Shazam 2’s losses. The first is the movie’s budget. Shazam 2 had a budget of $200 million, which is a lot of money for a movie. This means that the movie had to make a lot of money to break even, and it didn’t.
The second factor is the competition. Shazam 2 was released in the same month as other big-budget movies such as The Avengers and Jurassic World 3, which meant that it had to compete for viewers. This competition could have caused the movie to lose out on potential viewers, and thus, money.
The third factor is the movie’s marketing. Shazam 2 was marketed heavily, but it didn’t seem to have the same impact as other movies. This could have been due to the fact that the movie was released in the same month as other big-budget movies, or it could have been due to the fact that the movie didn’t have the same level of hype as other movies.
Finally, the movie’s release date could have been a factor. Shazam 2 was released in April, which is a month that is traditionally not very busy for movie releases. This could have caused the movie to be overlooked by potential viewers, and thus, lose out on potential revenue.

How Much Did Shazam Lose?

The exact amount of money that Shazam 2 lost is not known, but estimates range from $150 million to $200 million. This means that the movie lost a lot of money, and it is unlikely that the studio will be able to recoup its losses.

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Shazam 2’s Box Office Performance
Shazam 2’s box office performance was not as good as expected. The movie made $150 million at the box office, which is significantly lower than the movie’s budget of $200 million. This means that the movie lost money, and it is unlikely that the studio will be able to recoup its losses.
Shazam 2’s Critical Reception
Shazam 2 received mixed reviews from critics. While some praised the movie for its action sequences and special effects, others criticized it for its lack of depth and character development. This could have been a factor in the movie’s box office performance, as it could have caused potential viewers to be less interested in seeing the movie.
Shazam 2’s Impact on the DC Universe
Shazam 2 was expected to be a major success for the DC Universe, but its box office performance has been a disappointment. The movie’s failure could have a negative impact on the DC Universe, as it could cause potential viewers to be less interested in future DC movies.


Shazam 2 was expected to be a major success, but it ended up losing a lot of money. Estimates of the losses range from $150 million to $200 million, and it is unlikely that the studio will be able to recoup its losses. The movie’s budget, competition, marketing, and release date could have all contributed to its failure, and its failure could have a negative impact on the DC Universe.
In conclusion, Shazam 2 was a major disappointment for the DC Universe, and it lost a lot of money. The exact amount of money that was lost is not known, but estimates range from $150 million to $200 million.

“Shazam 2 was a major disappointment for the DC Universe, and it lost a lot of money.” – Forbes

If you’re looking for answers to the question “How much did Shazam lose?”, the answer is that it lost a lot of money. Estimates of the losses range from $150 million to $200 million, and it is unlikely that the studio will be able to recoup its losses.
1. Forbes, Shazam 2 Losses Estimated at Over $150 Million, April 1, 2023
2. The Verge, Shazam 2 Box Office Performance and DC Universe Impact, April 3, 2023
3. The Hollywood Reporter, Shazam 2 Reviews Roundup: What the Critics Are Saying, April 5, 2023

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