How Long Do TouchTune Credits Last? – Uncover the Expiration Date!

Do TouchTune Credits Expire?

Do TouchTune credits expire? This is a common question asked by users of the popular music streaming service. The answer is yes, credits purchased prior to August 29, 2022 will expire 180 days after they were purchased. Free credits expire 180 days after redemption. TouchTunes may also send you free “Just Now” credits that are valid for a smaller window of time, as described at the time of redemption.
In this article, we will discuss the expiration of TouchTune credits, how to extend their validity, and other related topics.

What are TouchTune Credits?

TouchTune credits are a form of virtual currency that can be used to purchase songs and albums on the TouchTune music streaming service. Credits can be purchased directly from the TouchTune website or app, or they can be earned through promotions and special offers.

Do TouchTune Credits Expire?

Yes, TouchTune credits expire. Credits purchased prior to August 29, 2022 will continue to expire 180 days after they were purchased. Free credits expire 180 days after redemption. TouchTunes may also send you free “Just Now” credits that are valid for a smaller window of time, as described at the time of redemption.

How to Extend the Validity of TouchTune Credits?

The best way to extend the validity of TouchTune credits is to use them as soon as possible. If you have credits that are about to expire, use them before they do. If you don’t use them, they will expire and you will lose them.
You can also extend the validity of TouchTune credits by purchasing additional credits. If you purchase more credits before your existing credits expire, the new credits will be added to your account and the expiration date of the existing credits will be extended.

Related Topics

Can TouchTune Credits be Refunded?
No, TouchTune credits are non-refundable. Once you purchase credits, they cannot be refunded.
Can TouchTune Credits be Transferred?
No, TouchTune credits cannot be transferred to other users. Each user has their own account and the credits are only valid for that account.
Can TouchTune Credits be Used to Purchase Merchandise?
No, TouchTune credits cannot be used to purchase merchandise. They can only be used to purchase songs and albums on the TouchTune music streaming service.


In conclusion, TouchTune credits do expire. Credits purchased prior to August 29, 2022 will expire 180 days after they were purchased. Free credits expire 180 days after redemption. TouchTunes may also send you free “Just Now” credits that are valid for a smaller window of time, as described at the time of redemption. The best way to extend the validity of TouchTune credits is to use them as soon as possible. You can also extend the validity of TouchTune credits by purchasing additional credits.
TouchTune credits cannot be refunded, transferred, or used to purchase merchandise. They can only be used to purchase songs and albums on the TouchTune music streaming service.
It is important to remember that TouchTune credits do expire, so it is important to use them as soon as possible. This will ensure that you get the most out of your credits and don’t lose them to expiration.

“Time is money, especially when it comes to TouchTune credits!” -Anonymous

Now that you know the answer to the question “Do TouchTune credits expire?”, you can make sure to use them before they do. This will help you get the most out of your credits and ensure that you don’t lose them to expiration.
1. TouchTune FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2. TouchTune Credits. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. TouchTune Credits Expire. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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