Unlock the Mystery: How is Shazam Coded?

How is Shazam Coded?

Shazam is a popular music recognition app that helps users identify songs they hear playing in the background. It has become an essential tool for music fans and professionals alike. But how does Shazam actually work? In this blog post, we’ll explore the technology behind Shazam and how it is coded.

The Brief

At its core, Shazam is an algorithm that takes a sample of a song and compares it to a database of known songs. The algorithm then determines the most likely match and displays the song title and artist to the user. This process is called “fingerprinting” and is the basis of Shazam’s technology.

The Shazam Algorithm

The Shazam algorithm distills samples of a song into fingerprints, and matches these fingerprints against fingerprints from known songs, taking into account their timing relative to each other within a song. This process is known as “acoustic fingerprinting” and is the basis of Shazam’s technology.
The algorithm works by breaking down a song into small pieces, called “fingerprints”. Each fingerprint is a unique combination of frequencies and timings that are characteristic of a particular song. When a user plays a song, Shazam compares the sample to its database of known fingerprints. If the sample matches a fingerprint in the database, Shazam will identify the song and display the title and artist to the user.

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Audio Recognition
Audio recognition is the process of recognizing and identifying audio signals. Audio recognition technology is used in a variety of applications, including voice recognition, music identification, and speech recognition. Shazam uses audio recognition technology to identify songs.
Digital Signal Processing
Digital signal processing (DSP) is the process of manipulating digital signals to extract useful information. DSP is used in a variety of applications, including audio and video processing, image processing, and speech recognition. Shazam uses DSP to process audio samples and extract fingerprints from them.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from data and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is used in a variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition. Shazam uses machine learning to identify songs by comparing audio samples to its database of known fingerprints.


Shazam’s technology is based on a combination of audio recognition, digital signal processing, and machine learning. The algorithm takes a sample of a song and breaks it down into small pieces, called “fingerprints”. These fingerprints are then compared to a database of known fingerprints, and if a match is found, the song is identified and the title and artist are displayed to the user.
Shazam also uses machine learning to improve its accuracy. The algorithm is constantly learning from its mistakes and improving its accuracy over time. This means that the more users use Shazam, the more accurate it becomes.


Shazam is an incredibly powerful and useful tool for music fans and professionals alike. Its technology is based on a combination of audio recognition, digital signal processing, and machine learning, which enables it to accurately identify songs. The algorithm is constantly learning and improving, making it more accurate over time.
Overall, Shazam is a powerful and useful tool that is constantly improving. It is an essential tool for music fans and professionals alike, and its technology is an example of the power of modern computing.

“Shazam is a powerful and useful tool that is constantly improving. It is an essential tool for music fans and professionals alike, and its technology is an example of the power of modern computing.”

In conclusion, Shazam is a powerful and useful tool that is constantly improving. Its technology is based on a combination of audio recognition, digital signal processing, and machine learning, which enables it to accurately identify songs. With its constantly improving accuracy, Shazam is an essential tool for music fans and professionals alike.
1. Shazam
2. Acoustic Fingerprinting
3. Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

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