Unlimited Possibilities: How Many Times Can You Use Shazam?

How Many Times Can You Use Shazam?

Shazam is a popular music identification app that allows users to identify songs they hear playing in the background. It is available for both Android and Apple devices and is used by millions of people around the world. But how many times can you use Shazam?
The answer to this question depends on the type of device you are using. Android users can Shazam the same song as many times as they want, provided they clear data after every Shazam. If they do not clear data, their Shazams on the same song will only be counted once per 24 hours. On the other hand, Apple users can only Shazam the same song once per day per Apple device.

How to Use Shazam on Android Devices

Using Shazam on an Android device is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is launch the app and tap the “Shazam” button. The app will then listen to the music playing in the background and attempt to identify it. Once the song has been identified, you can add it to your library or share it with your friends.
If you want to Shazam the same song multiple times, you need to clear data after every Shazam. To do this, go to the Settings menu in the Shazam app and tap “Clear Data.” This will reset the app and allow you to Shazam the same song multiple times.

How to Use Shazam on Apple Devices

Using Shazam on an Apple device is slightly different than on an Android device. To use Shazam on an Apple device, you need to launch the app and tap the “Shazam” button. The app will then listen to the music playing in the background and attempt to identify it. Once the song has been identified, you can add it to your library or share it with your friends.
Unlike Android devices, Apple devices can only Shazam the same song once per day per Apple device. This means that if you want to Shazam the same song multiple times, you need to wait until the next day before you can do so.

Related Topics

Can You Shazam Live Music?
Yes, you can Shazam live music. However, it is important to note that Shazam is not always able to identify live music, especially if the sound quality is poor.
Can You Shazam Music From YouTube?
Yes, you can Shazam music from YouTube. All you need to do is launch the Shazam app and tap the “Shazam” button. The app will then listen to the music playing in the background and attempt to identify it.
Can You Shazam Music From Radio?
Yes, you can Shazam music from the radio. All you need to do is launch the Shazam app and tap the “Shazam” button. The app will then listen to the music playing in the background and attempt to identify it.


In conclusion, the answer to the question “How many times can you use Shazam?” depends on the type of device you are using. Android users can Shazam the same song as many times as they want, provided they clear data after every Shazam. Apple users can only Shazam the same song once per day per Apple device.
Using Shazam is a great way to identify songs you hear playing in the background and add them to your library. With this guide, you now know how to use Shazam on both Android and Apple devices and how many times you can use it.

“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” – Kahlil Gibran

Shazam is a great tool for music lovers to identify songs they hear playing in the background and add them to their library. With this guide, you now know how to use Shazam on both Android and Apple devices and how many times you can use it.
1. https://www.shazam.com/help/en-us/faq/what-is-shazam
2. https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/how-to-use-shazam/
3. https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/19/17588846/shazam-apple-music-integration-ios-android

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